Open Text Alliance Partner Will Offer Secure Time-Stamping Service as Additional Layer of Data Assurance Across Its Solutions Offerings
HERNDON, VA – November 14, 2006
Surety, LLC, the leading provider of data integrity solutions, today announced a partnership with PVA, Inc., a software solutions provider and Open Text Alliance Partner. Under the terms of the agreement PVA will offer integration services for Surety’s AbsoluteProof® trusted time-stamp service in an effort to provide an additional layer of data integrity across the portfolio of enterprise applications they develop and support on behalf of their customers.
The AbsoluteProof trusted time-stamp service will allow PVA’s customers to assure the integrity and long-term legal defensibility of their electronic records, regardless of format. PVA will offer AbsoluteProof integration services to its existing base of customers in government and enterprise markets including engineering, pharmaceutical, financial, and telecommunications companies, as well as to prospective new customers.
“Expanding industry regulations addressing data handling and stewardship with heightened awareness of the importance of IP protection are creating increased demand for solutions that provide supplemental layers of data assurance beyond traditional security measures,” said Tom Klaff, CEO of Surety. “According to industry figures, more than 92 percent of business documents are generated, managed and stored electronically. This partnership provides PVA customers with simple access to Surety’s AbsoluteProof service, putting them in the strongest possible position if and when the integrity of their electronic records are ever questioned or enter into a legal challenge.”
Absolute Proof is compatible with the complete range of Open Text Livelink Electronic Content Management solutions supported by PVA and can be easily integrated with other enterprise applications using Surety’s Software Development Kits (SDKs). Built around open standards, Surety’s AbsoluteProof independently and objectively proves the time and content integrity of any form of digital content, including rich and Word documents, email, engineering diagrams, laboratory information management systems (LIMS) records, design diagrams, device readings, and audit logs.
“As a systems integrator, we look to our technology partners for innovative new technologies that will better serve our customers,” said Jack Franks, Vice President of PVA. “Our partnership with Surety allows us to build and sustain a competitive advantage by quickly delivering to market highly differentiated and customized data integrity software and services for virtually any industry.”
About Surety, LLC
Founded in 1994, by two prominent Bellcore Scientists, Surety is recognized as a premiere trusted third-party time-stamping authority. The Company’s flagship product AbsoluteProof® enables organizations to meet the legal, fiduciary and regulatory responsibilities associated with creating, managing and archiving electronic data by providing verifiable evidence of data authenticity. Their client base is made up of legal and financial services firms, research and development laboratories and copyright protection agencies that are ensuring record integrity with AbsoluteProof. For more information, visit
About PVA
Headquartered in Greensboro, NC, PVA, Inc. provides a comprehensive range of services to both government and commercial clients in the Information Technology (IT) and related fields. PVA’s main goal is to serve as a consulting company with software integration capabilities, a professional services company for staff augmentation, and a source for hardware and software products. Additionally, PVA specializes in tailored solutions for a wide range of corporate needs in both commercial and government markets.
Surety, AbsoluteProof, Digital Notary, and Guaranteeing Trustworthy Electronic Records are trademarks or registered trademarks of Surety, LLC in the United States and other countries. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Posted: Tuesday, November 14, 2006