RESTON, Va. – May 20, 2008 – Surety, LLC, the leading provider of data integrity solutions, today announced the release of AbsoluteProof® for Microsoft Exchange, a lightweight, automated solution that seamlessly integrates into the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2003 to prove time, date and content integrity of email records. AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange is based on Surety’s AbsoluteProof service, the standard for electronic data authentication, which provides customers with the ability to prove the authenticity of their electronic records.
Surety’s recent Email Security and Authentication Survey of more than 800 IT security, email security and compliance professionals revealed significant corporate demand for email authentication solutions. More than 65 percent of respondents expressed doubt that their organization’s emails would be authenticated and admitted as evidence in legal, regulatory or patent disputes, and more than 80 percent of respondents doubted their organization’s ability to authenticate email records and attachments.
AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange is designed to provide third-party validation of the time, date and content integrity of electronic records, enabling organizations to authenticate all email records. AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange automatically affixes a cryptographic timestamp or Surety Integrity Seal™ (Seal) to all sent and received emails stored in the Microsoft Exchange Server Message Archive. Once an email is sealed, the Seal can be used to prove the authenticity of the e-mail at any time in the future. Seals are associated with stored email in such a way that, if email messages are migrated to a separate email archive, or sent to a third party, the Seals automatically accompany them. The result is a litigation-ready solution to the problem of defending the integrity of email evidence.
“As the most widely-deployed solution for business-class email and collaboration, Microsoft Exchange Server is actively used by more than 100 million professionals,” said Tom Klaff, CEO of Surety, LLC. “Not surprisingly, this year’s Email Security and Authentication Survey revealed that organizations are extensively using email to collaborate and share business-critical data, and an increasing number of organizations are being called upon to produce email records to meet e-discovery requests. The survey also revealed serious doubt in the ability to authenticate email records in order to ensure their admittance as evidence in court. AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange provides Microsoft Exchange customers with a way to ensure that they will be able to authenticate those critical email records should the need arise for legal or regulatory disputes.”
AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange is $25 per seat for unlimited use and is available immediately. For more information on AbsoluteProof for Microsoft Exchange click here.