Combining Storage Archiving and Data Integrity Solution Helps Companies Satisfy Litigation and Compliance Requirements
HERNDON, VA – April 4, 2007
Surety, LLC, the leading provider of data integrity solutions, today announced it has joined the Hitachi Data Systems Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Partner Program. Joining the program, Surety’s AbsoluteProof® digital timestamp solution is now interoperable with the Hitachi Content Archive Platform, providing customers advanced protection of their valuable intellectual property and assurance that their electronic records will meet regulatory and litigation requirements.
The Hitachi Data Systems ISV Partner Program provides key services to companies that develop software that is interoperable with Hitachi storage solutions and is structured to recognize partner investments in and contributions to delivering solutions that drive joint success. Surety’s AbsoluteProof® digital timestamp solution will be an optional and validated feature to the Hitachi Content Archive Platform, enabling customers to benefit from Surety’s independent third-party means of validating the date and time of a record’s generation, as well as proof that the data’s authenticity has not been compromised. The combined solution allows Fortune 500 companies and other organizations in highly litigious and regulated industries to satisfy long-term retention and integrity needs.
“Surety is a strategic complement to the existing partners in the Hitachi Data Systems ISV Partner Program. AbsoluteProof allows us to give customers third-party authentication of their data that provides the protection and security necessary in today’s data archiving market,” said John Mansfield, vice president of product management, Hitachi Data Systems. “The combined solution helps organizations ensure the retention and integrity of their data for litigation and compliance needs, regardless of technology changes, worker turnover and evolving business processes.”
“As more organizations migrate from paper to electronic records, they face the challenges of being able to both efficiently save records for long periods of time and prove the authenticity of this data,” said Tom Klaff, CEO, Surety, LLC. “The combination of AbsoluteProof and the Hitachi Content Archive Platform gives companies the ability to comply with regulatory standards and the confidence of knowing their records have been accurately time stamped and have not been altered.”
The Hitachi Content Archive Platform’s unique approach to combining records management and archive sciences practices with industry-leading storage allow organizations to meet regulatory and corporate governance standards for data retention. Surety’s AbsoluteProof, the only available time-stamping method offering long-lasting protection, provides electronic data of any format with objective proof of integrity independent of a company’s people, processes and systems and complies with domestic and international standards.
For more information on Surety’s AbsoluteProof solutions, visit