Surety, LLC, the leading provider of electronic data integrity solutions, announced today that it will host a Webinar, “Patent Evidence Creation in an Electronic R &D Environment” which will be held on Tuesday, October 31 from 1 – 2 PM EST. This Webinar will address the electronic R&D policies and procedures to support and defend patents, the specific role ELNs play in patent evidence creation, along with identifying the precedents for using electronic records for patent filing.
“Even in electronic lab environments, more than 87 percent of research data is still preserved on paper because very few companies want to take a risk in court with their patents,” said Michael H. Elliott, President of Atrium Research. “But change is in the air, several innovative companies are taking the viewpoint that they need to implement electronic environments to improve their efficiency. They have researched the case law, patent proceedings and legislation and have determined that they will be fully protected by implementing an electronic patent and submission infrastructure.”
The “Patent Evidence Creation in an Electronic R&D Environment” Webinar will be moderated by Mr. Elliott and use Symyx Technologies as a case study to debunk the myth that paper evidence is the best and only evidence to defend against patent interference claims. Featured speakers will include the Honorable Bruce Stoner, retired USPTO Chief Administrative Judge and Counsel to Greenblum & Bernstein, P.L.C., who will explore the precedents for using electronic records in the courts and for filing purposes, Ron Krasnow, Sr. Vice President of Intellectual Property at Symyx, John Harris, Manager, Security Alliances at Adobe Systems and Hamilton Temple, Director of Business Development of Surety. The event will conclude with a question and answer session, led by Elliott.
“Patents and trade secrets are the lifeblood of any organization and account for more than 70 percent of a company’s market value,” said Tom Klaff CEO of Surety, LLC. “Though every employee is responsible for generating and protecting company intellectual property, researchers and scientists are on the front lines to patent their ideas and get products to market faster, cheaper and better. Innovative companies, like Symyx Technologies, holders of more than 9,000 patents, are taking the lead in the movement toward and electronic R&D environment and electronic patent and submission infrastructure with integrated data integrity controls to improve efficiency and collaboration while preserving their ability to authenticate their research and business records.”
“Electronic and paper records are equivalent,” acknowledged Judge Stoner, “I know of no patent case where electronic records were not allowed or where they were not treated with the same consideration as paper.” The goal of this event is to provide business leaders and the R&D community with additional knowledge and insight on protecting their data, indefinitely.
About Surety, LLC
Founded in 1994, by two prominent Bellcore Scientists, Surety is recognized as a premiere trusted time-stamp authority. The Company’s flagship product AbsoluteProof® provides a security procedure that objectively demonstrate the time and content integrity of electronic records, and places their client organizations in the strongest possible position if and when the legal credibility of that data is challenged by an opposing party. For more information, visit