Electronic records are efficient and cost-effective. But, if you can't prove the authenticity of your electronic patient records and other critical files, you expose yourself and your practice to professional liability that could put you out of business, or even end your career. Don't Risk It!
Electronic Health Records: Easily Created, Easily Questioned
As a mental health professional, are you keeping patient progress notes and other legal health records electronically? If so, you're likely benefiting from just how easy and cost-effective it is to create, manage and store these files. But with electronic records come potential risks greater than you may realize.
For all their benefits, electronic records have a critical weakness - they can be easily forged or altered without leaving a trace. In litigation, opposing counsel may claim that you altered your patient records in order to fit a position of favor. Why wouldn't they try to discredit your evidence?
But electronic records don't have to be a liability - as long as you protect them with a trusted authenticity solution.

Introducing AbsoluteProof Desktop
AbsoluteProof Desktop is the market's leading electronic record authenticity application, and is used by mental health and psychotherapy professionals to protect the authenticity of their electronic patient notes and other medical records.
Whether you are maintaining patient records in Microsoft Word, saving them as PDF files, using dictation software, video taping your patients, or scanning paper notes into your computer or onto disk, the liability risk is very real.
AbsoluteProof Desktop is an easy-to-use Microsoft Windows application that enables you to instantly and in a single click apply a tamper-evident, cryptographic "Seal" to your patient progress notes and other cricital digital records, no matter what their file types are, to protect their integrity and help you prove their authenticity if ever needed. These Seals last the lifetime of your records - regardless of how long that timeframe may be...months, years, decades, and so on.
"If you need your computerized patient records to defend yourself in court after a bad outcome, the plaintiff's lawyers can say that you’ve changed the records. I don't have to worry about that with AbsoluteProof. They’ll back me up."
— Dr. Kenneth R. Cohen, MD
Try it for free! Our 5-day, risk-free trial will have you protecting your patient notes and records immediately, and right from your desktop.
Powered by the AbsoluteProof Service
AbsoluteProof Desktop is powered by the AbsoluteProof Service, an internet-based, digital timestamping service. AbsoluteProof enables you to digitally "seal" and validate any type of electronic content, proving that it existed at a particular point in time and hasn't been changed since.
An AbsoluteProof Seal binds a "digital fingerprint" of your document or file to a reliable timestamp representing the current time. This fingerprint is unique to the record so that any change in the record itself -- even just the removal of a period -- will cause its fingerprint to change. Once you have a valid Seal, you can use it prove that your document or record existed at the stated time and hasn't changed since. This is a simple matter of recreating the fingerprint and comparing it to the fingerprint in a Seal. If they match, you have proof that your file hasn't changed since it was "sealed." AbsoluteProof Desktop takes care of all of this for you, seamlessly.
Built on the ISO/IEC 18014-3 and ANSI X9.95 Trusted Time Stamp standards, the AbsoluteProof Service is the only independent, long-lived, cryptographically verifiable data integrity protection service in the world.
Learn more about how AbsoluteProof works>
In a malpractice lawsuit or board complaint, unauthenticated electronic records can cost mental health professionals their reputations, or even their careers. But protecting yourself can be simple, inexpensive, and effortless. Just a click is all it takes to defend your professional practice from any legal challenges. 
Learn more about the advantages of using AbsoluteProof>
AbsoluteProof Desktop can enable you to defend the authenticity of your electronic records, ensuring that you can use them to protect yourself and your practice against a legal challenge. Don't leave yourself or your practice at risk!
Protect your electronic patient and office records now, in case you need to legally defend them later.
Many of your peers are already doing so!
I want to get started NOW - Risk Free!>