AbsoluteProof for MS SharePoint is integrated directly into the Microsoft SharePoint platform, and automatically and seamlessly affixes a Surety Integrity Seal™ to each native or imaged record as it enters the SharePoint system, providing users with long-lasting, objective proof of the time and content integrity of their electronic records. Helps customers improve their data security posture and meet regulatory compliance requirements for the protection of critical data.

AbsoluteProof for SharePoint is integrated directly into the SharePoint platform.

AbsoluteProof for MS SharePoint is a cost-effective solution for protecting the integrity and proving the authenticity of critical SharePoint records.
How it Works
- "Sealing" can be enabled at the site or document library level.
- Document libraries can be configured for manual or automated "sealing."
- Automated "sealing" is performed whenever content is added or modified.
- Seals are presented as document properties that can be viewed or validated.
- Seals are automatically extended when eligible.
- Solution can be integrated into custom workflows and applications with API or custom workflow action.
- Integrated into Windows SharePoint 2007 and 2010
- Manual or automated "sealing" of SharePoint records
- Background "sealing" doesn't impact user experience
- Works with SharePoint versioning so versions can be independently "sealed"
- Works with SharePoint Records Center and In Place Records Management
- "Sealed" content can be exported as portable AbsoluteProof "Digital Evidence" Envelopes
- Any third party can easily validate exported content using the freely-available AbsoluteProof Viewer (available off the Surety web site)
- API for integration into custom workflows and applications
- Custom workflow action for seamless integration into SharePoint Designer workflows
- Seals are ANSI X9.95 and ISO/IEC 18014-3 compliant
- Seals are independently verifiable
- Cost-effective solution for protecting the integrity of SharePoint records
- Empowers WSS and/or MOSS with an enhanced level of data assurance
- Background sealing does not impact the user experience
- Eliminate the need and expense of converting native electronic files to images in the event of E-Discovery
- Identifies records that have been altered at any stage of custody
- Validates the time and content integrity of records independent of the SharePoint platform
- Preserve long-lasting record authentication despite new SharePoint version upgrades